I had your brute down to | |, but he killed me.
The Duck own'd the Sh!t out of that dude. Gf n00b sauce
It was but scared meh! lolz
Stupid April Fools joke scared me. I was missin you already.
Well.. You own it. And plus there doesn't have to be one if you decide not to make one. I wouldn't care if you voted. Its not like you have a...
linu you confused me with your new name change.
Wasnie Cannon
You may not leave damnit.
Your face is the downfall of nations. Ooh **** got you man. Just kidding. Twilight is stupid and absolutely idiotic in my mind. thnxbai
Honestly?.. Forgehub. Think about it.
I do believe Xbox Live, as big as it is, is not a country. I mean if you don't want to play with little kids then just do something that does not...
Frankly, i don't let anyone touch me.. Freak. But seriously it would have to be Final Fantasy 7. Just the way it played and the storyline, (which...
They are all basically the same shot but posed/colored differently. 2.5/5
"Give me mah money, bish!"
Any leader of any sort, is going to abuse power. It is a given from the get-go. I mean i regular members didn't whine about it so much, it would...
Bumps are even on interlocked maps, also. Do as you feel is better for your map.
I suggest not advertising.. Ever. If you want to advertise, do so in PMs or do not do it at all.
Im making a sig out of the middle "Ah" part :). And nice .gif work. I love you.. i mean wahhh?
Matty my dear friend, how are you?
I want it pretty bad, but unfortunately enough, i don't feel like buying it. I'm looking for an alternative at the moment.