WayWard Bunker The Map: Yes another Bunker for the many who need/like big insane infection maps/games.For this map I based the theme off of an...
Well weekend tomorow!!!!!!!! Or friday to be exact :D But like i siad...... Well like i hope, the updates should fix the major defects that can...
Cant see much of the map, Really need that map shown more then the gametype and objects too use. So with that siad i cant say much about the...
Ok Iv been thinking of how too do this merge and i think the best bet is under the map. LOL. B/c its a bridge, you can not merge it in like its a...
Well Iv been working on a new map for some time now and Iv decided too give you guys a small sneek speek for my new map. Ill give you only...
Hello, happy too see you here too, and you should check out what Scope siad. Who know mabey I might see you in one of my maps too be tested...
You should earn +1000 cool points for signing up for FH. Welcome too the site, you should also check out meny of the forums to see what interest...
Wow a race on rats nest that dose look like it would be fun. Alot of twists and turns and smash-in objects too win the race. Very original on my...
Sorry but any thing below 10 sensivivity is considerd way too slow for me. I even have auto aim off and vibration off too focus my shots on all...
I think I am going too download, and I am downloading this map for one reason, this is just great. Out of all race maps Iv seen and played, this...
Well kind of a little late for this map too be posted any where :/ But this map was fun while it lasted and still kind of is. But dispite that its...
LoL This is epic. the way you created the drums and speekers has got me flipin out. I also see a mic stand :P. The map is great Imo and for a near...
Very nice, I see alot of geomerging and great senery placement, and that fence cat walk looks really good. I also see some interesting designs...
Thuoght it was another push over ship map, but wow was i proven wrong. The map is amazing with very good asthtetic looks. Very nice feature for a...
Nice recap bro. Looks like you guys had alot of mini game fun! :P
I see what you have tryed too pull off here, and i would say you pulled it off beter then any one else would try too. Territorys for an infection...
yo bro want too join our group for custom games and forging?
Hey bro you think you can join our group? we are holding active custom games with great maps. :)
No soccer balls. LoL. But would like a biger object limit, like 36 boxs instead of 24, or 24 fence walls instead of 16. idk i like alot of objects :P
I wait untell im motivated too continue finishing the map. But it can take a few days too a few weeks before i find it. :/