I did read a few. is thier a problom for what i think or sumin????
I would like 3 months and points. Thats all that is easy to give over the internet. But it dose not seem like a contest that alot of people would...
naa you can just join. all you have too do is play with us when you want or can when we play customs/ forge
dont have any more room ? LoL!
Btw i reached my goal by get my file share full. :DDDDD 24/24 OWNED! XD
Btw bro the thing that most makes me love this is the new gametype. You should try too get a game with it. it has a cool "helps on the way?" kind...
Ok nice. check thier song words of hope too !
How in the world dose it make it bad too have some extra ways for the zombies to get in? i see it as a chance for making the game zombies have...
Yes sadly :( im out of ideas for the bunkers, but have more for other maps, like swat maps and cave maps for infection.
I have herd of them and they are Really good, But i have lately found another band that is just great. idk if you have herd of "for today" But i...
I really cant think of any LOL! I try for like ever siting in the forge game room trying to come up with something new. But how bout the cave...
I know :( But now im going too start on a new theme!!! And this time im think caves :DDDD !
The Final Bunk MAP GAME-TYPE Bio: Well after so many bunks, I thought it was time to close the chapter on the epic pack of bunkers made by...
Hio there. welcome to forge hubzZzZzZ!
Whoa it could be stolen? Thats not good. Is this map still on the bungie favs or is it off? Thuoght that we could check. :/
I ment my post for this thread, But its all good ;)
Frist post? But any ways, you supprised me with this. you got good object placement with a few twist. AND its non foundry!!!!! must say 4/5 for...
I cant say any thing exept more pic and longer description. Cant review anying thing if i cant see it, also reflects dl away, so got too fix that.
Well pics are not popin up ;( Should use photobucket.com ! If im wrong please correct me.
Sups? The kind of music you listen to = uber Pownz0r :P I dont kow what it is but your intrest are like all my favs. Think were related ?? LoL :)