DEATH'S R HOUSE [IMG] Hello once again FH fans. The map i have brought too you is a map that was originally started by DEATHREAPER204...
you add me its tbs foundationz
itz me tbs foundationz, add me.
I dont like seeing 8239162395729 year old maps at the top. it makes the newer ones invisibole. Mabey a lock?
i can see this map being a very nice fast pace infection game. you should make a gametype for that map.
little more merging and i think the map would just look sweet. other then that everything else too me looks good.
it looks real clean and very intence becouse of it being small. I hope the spawn killing is not too bad. =)
click the link on the bottom of the thread too dl. but you must be registerd too bungie too dl.
Then you would just be able too get in the wrath form the roof. But theres nothing else as big as the wrath with out the issue so i picked the...