no it was not, and did you read my message to bl00d f1re i stated "you might wanna check the unsc traniee's postcount becuase most of them are 1...
no i said that in the post i was accusing someone of doing it, than you said "well thats still not proof that I created the accounts" no one said...
actually they are and anyone could tell were not stupid its called looking at the statistics! and it is my problem because i dont want a fake win,...
alright np
uhh, dude think of another way to do the weapon box, they had a great find when u punch the propane tank walk to the A side and you cant be killed...
when you tally the votes just to let you know you might wanna look at the (UNSC traniee) ranks because alot of them only had one post count and...
mine was definetly pac man, when i was 4
its alright just wheneva u can
Well i know that but in the argument of 2012 you might wanna pick a side, i mean staying neutral in this argument is kinda pointless
cool guide, have you ever read the book of conquest?
thanks man, I'll show you after i get back from my aunts house
what the hell does that mean?
good idea but dont waste your time the community people who actually post bad will never read this they dont even care they just post to raise...
oh ok take your time, ive been working on a solo conquest map, i might show you later. If i get the screens
yeah sure, could you send them to me agian so i can get a look at it. and i got to go to school ill be off at 3:00
ok thanks man
ok r u talking about like team doubles or something?
do you still have the blue prints for the conquest map?
sure ill play, shouldnt this be in halo disscussion thou? lets try to get more ppl and tell me what time you want to ill only play judgement tho....
so if your soloing in forge its a good idea to do it in local not live?