yeah i would do what rightsidetheory said. and if its the disk luckly for you to buy one its only about 30$ now when mine did that it was 60$
I agree with you, but my bro likes western better for some reason.
i know, but ive study this stuff a lot, and more than half of it was in social studies we did lots of documents and watched a lot of dicovery...
no out side of towns there was cow heards and real hard working in towns there was business and salloons and a lot of drama also the men who would...
hey man i was looking through broken blaze productions an noticed you got to join thats coo, an it looks like Irates is coming along great if you...
alright cool, so who won? collision?
ok i new that i tried to act like i didnt because maybe you would have shutted the hell up. now listen the votings are over the contest is over...
what does that have to do with you still!!!!!! i dont even know who the **** created synophsis i just said I thought there was false accounts were...
Ok now you've pissed me off you went under bl00d f1r3's name and read our conversation I said "hey i think there's some false accs. created for...
you are dude, i didnt say your name to bl00d f1r3 and i dont care man, this is non of your business what i said to bl00d f1r3, it was meant from...
dude i convienced bl00d f1r3 that there was false accounts being created to vote int the template, dont you think its unfair that there was false...
hey umm buddy, you started this argument and I wasn't even doing anything why the hell you keep sending me messages is beyond me but seriously the...
ATLEAST I HAVE A TROLL NOW YOU HAVE A NICE DAY ***** jk or am i? i dont know who care ahhhhhhh
dude lol shut up!!! omg ur so annoying lol how does exactly have to do with anything!!!????!!1 lol! im pissed but find it hilarious !!!~!!!!!!!!@#432
oookkkk wwwhhaatt eevveerrrr yyyyoooouuu ssaaaaayyy
not saying anything, but they have only posted that many of posts total and one went to the template all these votes werre for synophsis
Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: Coldfire360 1 post Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: PurPleHaZeN 1 post Forge Hub Halo Forums - View...
then dont say anything lol
dude just shut up idc i wasnt accusing anyone im not going to argue with you and im tired
ok you didnt see some of the people with the 1 postcount?