haha base ball field, thats actually not a bad idea, use thin wooden planks as the base lines
I was just wondering if there was a picture tutorial or video tutorial out there that i missed that shows how to make the skate ramps out of walls
water treament plant maybe?, with seweres etc. and pipes
Well as you all know i do my map reviews, to only the maps I DL and really took time to get to know them, and recently I have noticed 3 maps that...
im not finished yet, its a hard project, and challenging im woking on it tough
so have you got everything added up?
Wait so ur saying that you are going to tell me the budget and item use? If so thanks dude!!!!
ok just message me when u get it
ok just message when you get it
its ok, so it will be done though in about 10 minutes?
what will be easier to look at when forging? cause i cant load up sketchup so probalby just the pics right?
ok thats fine
yeah thats fine go ahead and send it to me in private chat.
has it downloaded on your dads comp yet?
well i was thinking of making a (w) shaped map, with it being an abondaded inccaved map, and it seems as it will be athesticly pleasing, but the...
so when your talkikng about theme, you used like an old gold mine, that supports a battle for the gold correct? and sorathic method is fighting...
this left me speechless, im going to go ahead and congratulate you on the feature, cause i got a good feeling aobut it.
ok great i canat wait to see it
did you get any more brain storms?
ok no problem dont worry about how difficult it is, im up for the challange