hey man whats up? hows your conquest map comming?
yep =] congratz guys that your finished, will it be up and ready to post today or 2morrow? edit: yeah could you go ahead and send it to me, ive...
yeah ive seen that be4 and its a very useful way to geomerge walls like that, but what about double boxes?
well, i tried to get a game, but i only have my little bro here, and i cant get anyone else to come, i hate it though when i only have 1 friend...
i know and i know im sounding like a asshole, but im so sick to the point i cant talk and i guess im just in a bad mood today, sorry guys, its...
i know and ive been here long enough to see people need help with this at least twice a day i bet ive linked over 70 people or showed them guides...
ok, i have to go get a quick game on it edit: none of my friends r online so is it ok if i get a 1v1?
im i dont have one atm, is it madatory?
ok go ahead and infract me for this , cause im using language, but i dont care im tired of this ****, apparently you;ve been here awhile your a...
yeah i have the same trouble, like i geomerge it and all, but its always lower than the sitting doublebox, wall would be easier to figure out...
see aceofspades i have the same problem and people dont get it, im sure he already knows how to push it into the ground, but when you do how do...
just he just said hes adding on to it and this is just a small porportion of the map done, Im sure he likes all the advice, but read before you...
hey r u editing the post for the map right now? soz i keep asking ive just been monorting your guys zombie post, and im excited its finally done.
lol waffle you really need to stop double posting (why is this thread so full of spam) mod needs to check it out an i live your weapon ideas...