Thanks for all of the constructive criticism, guys. I really appreciate it! ^^ In 4v4 playtesting, the power weapons really aren't in use for a...
Wow, a very unique map! I love the simple layout as well, it kind of follows the rule of less is more (if you know what I mean). Aesthetics are...
This looks like a really well forged map! You've really captured the 'ancient' feel of the map, using natural ground. Weapons aren't hard to find,...
I like the contrast between long and short sightlines, and the choice of power weapons seems a good one for the design of the map. It's very...
I'm loving the map's aesthetics and design, and the bases look quite cool. However I do worry that gameplay is an issue. The map seems to me that...
Loving that monster, however I believe that there are a lot of power weapons compared to non-power weapons. Perhaps add some more weapons in (they...
I love the aesthetics of the map, especially the center tree. It's also nice to see some stairs that work (I have seen many that slow the...
I like this map, its really reminiscent of previous Halo games, which seems to make the gameplay more enjoyable. I like your idea of core carrier...
I love the design and aesthetics on this map, really eye-catching. I like the walkways and accessibility, and the lines of sight are spot on. The...
Wow, this map looks pretty cool. I'm amazed that you could make this asymmetric map work and prevent camping - I suck with asymmetry! Good...
I played this map after downloading it yesterday, and I have to say... Grifball is a blast! Even on a 1v1 with your Panicball gametype it was...
Why were you worried about releasing this beaut? Hands down, this is the greatest Invasion map I have seen. You have done a fantastic job on that...
I had a look at this map yesterday. I like how you have made it as much like Sandtrap as you can, and you've done a really good job with the...
Thanks, during the making of the map I strongly considered where people would have an incentive to move to. Hopefully this incentive is fuelled by...
This map looks pretty cool, with nice aesthetics. Congratulations on getting a feature!
Ooh! Me and my friends have been begging for a Sandtrap remake for ages now, and this seems to be really close to the real thing, aside from a few...
Great map! I love how you have considered your weapon placement thoroughly on this map to encourage fluent gameplay. Your aesthetics are great...
Sweet map! I really like the geometry and accessibility of all weapons from many areas. I'm glad that you have developed a perfect spawning...
I really like how accessible this map is. It doesn't take too long to get from one end of the map to the other, or from the top level to the...
I'm absolutely amazed at how crafty you are with forge pieces. I pick a forge piece up and think... maybe not. I pick another one up and think......