They put an an area out of Ridgeline on purpose. Or they would not have had another kill zone behind it. They also would have patched it.
I have this: [IMG]
If you need any help placing spawns, I could help you. I have a lot of free time tonight and would be glad to do it. Just send an invite to Elite...
I would test. I can get on anytime 4-10 P.M. CST
I found Wild Wild West right after I posted. I'm making some stadiums for it since I didn't think the Wild West theme was fit for halo. How do you...
Awesome, just awesome. If we could this we could also build out of the map.
Definitely toggle. I'm too lazy to hold a button down. lol
I had an idea for a gametype where, in the beginning of a team or FFA, the members walk at 50% speed, have 300% damage, have magnums, and no...
Does anybody know of a good halo 3 custom map that could be remade? I'm looking for a project on CEA forge.
EVE Online: "I Was There" - YouTube EVE: A Future Vision - YouTube
I think it looked pretty professional. I think he should go with it. Could use the camera shaking a little less, though.
What's MCR?
Finally another southern person. :)
Actually I made something very similiar to 4 also. But mine was a lil' larger so it would fit 1v1. I'll probably add more cool pics in a few...