5 likes now. His about says 'see about for more information' lol.
I acctually like the new MM armour pieces... that might be because I love the new red and blue. Ok, so what if they had an EMP grenade that could...
Okay, to clear some things up: Instant respawn is ONLY on Team Slayer. Jetpack, Hologram, and Active Camo are confirmed. :( Forerunner vision...
So I'm a fanboy because I was supporting my friend when I said this? Some people just have to be douches when I try to be nice...
I wasn't asking a question.
Well since not everybody has a powerful enough computer to run games it should be on Xbox 360.
It should be on Xbox 360, though...
That's why so many people (me included) modded guns, zombie traits and environments.
Hopefully they will recognize my friend dhg redemption and he gets a map into matchmaking.
It could have been better if they added more boardwalks or catwalks. And yes, Boardwalk is very well designed in terms of color and texture.
I've not really liked most of this groups maps. It seems most of you don't understan good gameflow and how to implement it into your map. Maybe I...
I really love the suspense the sound creates. Although I would try to embed the post so we dont have to open another tab to see it. I also...
That's because online DL links are gone for the time being. You need to look up a tag that he has given his map on his fileshare to download it.
This map looks amazing. Too bad Xbox Live hates me (so does my wallet since I can't get a new harddrive), or I would give this a download. I...
This. I would also like it if they brought back the mauler and beam rifle. Two great Halo 3 guns.
I lol'd. It seems I'm the only one who noticed that joke. Lol.
I do but was wanting some things to do in forge that week.