First no text is the corner, thats a no-no. The other text is really hard to see and id rather see it normally horizontally then going with the...
Bbe you have the lighting down. Remove the text or move it closer to the focal. Other then that I think you blurred TO much XD
Dont really like the bolt coming from his head, being it doesnt really seem natural at all to me. Remove the text, if your just going to work on...
Both programs are the same. You just have to know which one you want to learn from and stay with it. There is nothing wrong with GIMP, even if you...
I see. Question is still answer so. :lock:
*looks at all the gimp posts* Hm I dont think we need 4 extra posts of just the same thing. is something I used awhile ago before PS,...
Reason why the color are different being its probably in CMKY, and png doesnt work well with CMKY at large sizes. Oh and white text doesnt work...
[IMG] God mode much?
Jailbreaking isn't illegal, it was already stated last week its not, defined by the court. /news report.
Iv always had pink text since I joined? :P
OLD MAN WALKING HERE ^^^ WATCH YOUR STEP PEOPLE! Lighting is eh, Focal is messed up. Not really sure WHAT to be looking at :P
Yes on my dA they are 1920 x 1200. Kidbomber on deviantART
I dont need Reconz sir, so im keeping my info to myself :)
Really had fun making all these :P [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I know :(
why hello.
mm Loving your style mate ;)
Yeah I noticed that too, but I informed him about it so he knows. Thanks btw ^^
YouTube- Controller Finishes / Fwiz Shoutout! | This would be for anyone having an interesting in having a custom designed...