Could have asked me too mate :P. Well if your done then :lock:
You're so yellow its criminal!
With The Lights Out by ~Kidbomber on deviantART [IMG]
Imo there way to C4D whored. 3rd one was the only oned I liked, and the text in all of them could use alot of work as in for placement and just...
No really :P. Random piece is random when I was working lol. Kidbomber's Gallery [IMG]
No, should do it more though :3.
Sunglass Vector. by ~Kidbomber on deviantART [IMG]
"SandStorm" Flyer by ~Kidbomber on deviantART [IMG]
You used to have the Barney sig didn't you mate? :P But yeahI remember you, you were here and there alot when I was active more. Hope to see you...
I use a linksys, its not hard to operate at all either. Cisco just makes it confusing to use with new people :/. I have a gaming adapter that came...
I get emails for everytime some has ever commented on that thread. But I know you were trying to help, Im just saying new people need to read...
Even though they Grave digger already said what was needed to be said + people dont read? If anyone else posts i'll just lock it :/
Wow, im loving them chuck really am. The "blam" goes with it very nicely, however the render looks abit LQ? Unless thats just my eyes fooling me...
Check my contact info tab and you add me if you want. I havent been on it that much but I will soon tho.
I know im realy sorry, but I need to work working and getting somewhere with myself and I kinda just want to stop doing this as a fun hobby.
Yeah pretty much :(
It was just thrown together for display reasons. Thats about it.
It was taken this year at winter formal. ( about 4-5 months ago ). Why do you ask?
Question Answered ;) :lock:
First its interesting, but its really crowded. The focal isn't defined either, so the flow is off alot, and we are left to have our eyes wondering...