Hi mate, hope you enjoy your time here :D If you need anything you can just PM me and i'll be glad to try to help!
We will be able too. flr.
When it comes out Portal(s) will be random placed around your new save. They will mostly be used to go farther distances from one exit to another....
its called the Void for a reason lol. http://justles.tumblr.com/ Got bored and want to start making post about MC and stuff for it like...
Its in the Oct 31 Update. We wont be spawning there. You will only get there thru a portal which their is another one leading back to the...
Hell World ftw :3 [IMG]
As Ben said its a Firewall or Portfoward problem. I had the same thing but then I let it into Little snitch after a few minutes of me forgetting I...
A zombie lover eh? ;P Anyway, Welcome Jeff enjoy your time and if you need anything you can always PM for help ;D.
..? Everything works on a Mac fine.. ?
Um no. For macs you just need to make a new folder in the application folder and then put the launcher in there and then the skins. Thats all you...
Use Winrar or a Zip extractor program. However Winrar would be your best choice. I dont use a certain pack. I have about 3-4 on mine that I...
YouTube - Sesame Street: Smell Like A Monster
The only real innovation imo is the friend/allied wheel, and the more developed NPCs.
What do you mean mate?
I like the concept. Wish to see abit more though before me saying anything else about it.
Get it. That is all. :). But really, super excited to get my hands on this. To be honest I'll be playing it more then Minecraft and Reach...
That would work nicely. Just dont make it the length of my videos XD.
My friend and I had a BP spill on our SMP/RP map about 3 days ago. [IMG] We covered it all up ( which took about 30 to an hour to do) and just...
True, for example if your wanting to build something on a larger scale and need resources or just having fun. But Im doing survival at the basic...
Check over in the infections sections and be sure have some new fun with your new XBL account, Ricky. Welcome and have fun!