Graycast <3 Ive been ripped. LOL :P
Lmfaoo, Remeber when i got you to cnc that sig when i first...
Hey, i remember making that sig last night on photobucket to get you to stfu.. ripripripripripriprip
Alright, thanks..
>:D Sorry, Its just, your the only person who people accually learn from, another mod would be like "Please stop spamming and annoying people in...
troll in the shoutbox..
What maps did you make other than blockout? i need someone to interview for graycast.
Shoutbox, i sense a fit coming on.
I dont grudge.. Idfk what jest is..
What other maps do you have other than the one i tested?
i lol'd
..... I know that part. It just seems like, No matter how much of a **** you are to people, they still stay. Know what i mean?
Yeh, its hard.. Like, i gotta be tough and keep the rules going, but i also want to keep people there.. How do you do it?
i was thinking of like, Disqualifing them for a month. or something, but then it would just loose popularity.
*bang* BANT ;)
bold, red letters? i want to be able to threaten them :P
Im not talking about that kind of spam.. its This kind of spam.. And questions/discussion is for the discussion thread, i tried to get the thread...
i just asked sarge, if you or black get infracted ill see if they can get taken off.
Is there a way you could get people to stop the spamming in These Threads?