@ dc: You spam so much... Just vm him or something, Talk about his photos.. @ miraj: If i had to choose, Model would be my favourite, i love its...
That doesnt really tell him how to get the effect... @ OP: The picture wasnt taken in the screenshot room, it was take the 28th of january...
Soo. [IMG] Sig from 2 months or so. [IMG] sig i added text to last night.. Login to a private Photobucket.com album pw is donnie or...
What do you mean? Like, imagination database?
Well uh, heres were i posted it.. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/71076-cnc-icequiem-11.html I moved it into a different folder...
Yup. 1 sec.
K. im still trying to see if MichRaider has any other maps than blockout.. If not, im htinking ConkerKid.. But idk, any ideas?
You dont have ANY maps other than blackout?
... We dont need superman. You can edit the rough copies into the good copies, Oh knarly is the writer, And you can make banners etc later.
Tartan and I are publishers.. Only 2 spots. Editor makes the good copy of what the writer does. Illistrator, Sure. Soo, Editor?
yerr, i cant wait to see the next thing he makes..
Nuhh, Hmm, writer?
Cool story bro.. And yerr, i do. I r publisher. Are you gunna be a writer or editor?
Pfft. Your fired.
Yes.. And not take advantage and think he can get away with stoopid ****. We should show him what happened to that Hlg Noob guy :P
i dont even remember :P Some picture with white text, miraj made it then he said it sucked. and kept whining..
miraj took a **** picture and put white text.. i wouldnt take it either :P
"make me a sig" and wouldnt stop whining.. miraj made him one and he said he sucked, etc.. Funny part was the first time, he wanted a stat sig to...
yeah. last night he kept annoying the helll out of peolpe, so i just took it and put text in it through photobucket, not knowing he would rip it :P
They're all pretty cool but its all the same effect, Moar Variety...