Dont listen to frag.. You got a few nice pieces, Good luck trying to get respect in the gna... its like ****ing highschool.
Work on depth and lighting, learn more than just to run a brush in circles...
Halo crusaders, how does that work? i joined and stuff.
not that easy, ill ask pegasi or Shanon..
Also, We need to think of a setup for Gamebattles next season.. Pit, Gaurd, Cons, Ons
I need moar skillllllllllllllllllllll
On your down, Stop in Niagara falls <3 Have fun, And it Defenitly isnt the arctic in canada anymore, Sadly..
:P I can on the weekend, im most likely getting moar xbl :D And i can get better with my snipe, and not only skill; Setting up, Callouts,...
I need to get bettar at halo!!!!!!!
Aha, Thats pretty bad man..
Thats basically what the interview will look like.
Can i interview you for graycast?
Ah, Thanks, since im new to screenshots, i didnt know that effect.
Its still called ripping. he took credit for a signature he didnt make. Dumbass
i put the text on it... im not mad, i was just loling that i made it for him yesterday, infront of everyone in the shoutbox.. and he took...
yer.. [IMG]