Its better..
Under the colour, it should say 25, Alpha something, Make that 0 Also, Just make his body a little more visible.
on his face, and a bit under, it seems like a floating head. You cant see his body or anything.
... Erase the things under his face
I Meant, The Efects under the focal are to close and dark, and it looks wierd.
It looks like you cut him from the neck.. Nice depth and i like the vectors, maybe soft erase some of the stuff under his head.
You need a different size, try 370x130
No problem. I think sarge banned him for other reasons already.
your supposed to laugh...
If your request is lame or boring or makes me look bad ill skip it.
Cody was a proxy of that monitor douche :P
The Lack Of Sarcasm...
we dont play word of warcraft nub
Thanks frag, And rofl dont waste your time..
thats what she said.
rofl, shut up and speak english.
Ignore rofl, hes new at this kinda stuff :P