[IMG] Full CnC's Please..
lol fail.
You need to start being original
stil no gradient.. and bad font.
STUPID MOTHER FU- I like the ones with the Gears in the Backround, It really fits the stock, and the idea of the game being gears..
no ****.. New layer, radial gradient, hold it from about an inch from the bottom to 3/5's to the top, set to screen.
O LUK RoFl NiiNjA iiZ A mLg Pr0 Not my style but uh. Add a lighting source, across the middle going up in a radial gradient.
Because you dont know, Einstien... Its the Elevator in crows nest, thats all i can tell you.
i was simply telling you to shut the **** up, your being a dbag in every ****ing post i see you put up..
I love the first one.. Im still a sucker for scenery shots. The second one is pretty rad, and the third says alot of things..
Yes, its decent for a beginner i guess. @ DC; Shut the **** up.
Its an improvement, you need to work on your blending ALOT.. I was the same way when i started though.. Another thing is the guy in that picture...
iight, i added 2 things, and went to open a third and my comp crashed..
And your the greatest ever..
0:52 - RxB, i swear to god.. Ryan, do you hack? I also just realized how sexy the syncing is, ive watched it like, twenty times already :P
<3 flr
Lulz.. Updated.
Get better before you try and do a cnc.. Square art isnt a signature, a signature is in a widescreen format. Arial text DOES work, If you use...