Intimidation v3 is out!!
The pool is insane with oddball, all the action is focused there and it's CRAZY. Now there is less camping because I replaced the deep end with a...
you really make my maps? huh... =0
My favorite gametypes with this map are (in order) Oddball FFA slayer Team slayer one bomb one flag Duel two flag Two bomb
It took me about 5 hours to make the "improvements"
Sorry about that. i fixed both problems you mentioned!
Ok, I think I might have 10 bucks left, Ill check! **** =)
This is the third version. On the first pic it only said v2 as a comparison shot to version 3. sorry about the confusion.
Woops, i didn't think anyone had the old skin
sorry, no king of the hill... YET I wanted to put some scenery but I ran out of cash.
Mass chaos!! =)
I think the best new change is the introduction of oddball as a supported gametype. Oddball with 8 players on this map is completely hilarious! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^-LINK-^ [IMG] INTIMIDATION V3 is medium sized map meant to be played with...
I start high school on wednesday :(
The interlocking is almost perfect... The next version of this map comes out tonight and will have much cleaner interlocking, a redesigned pool...
Quote: Originally Posted by youngian BRAVO excellent map it was very intimidating! very good interlocking and all i can say is wow! Intimidation...
That sucks... my school doesn't start until wednesday
Lets forge together tomorrow night?
Ok The creator of what map?
Why are you rating all other maps poorly???!!!