I am so addicted to commenting on my post. MUST stop going on forgehub. Must not turn ON computer... so hard. Just one LOOK. No I cant check if...
ffa slayer and oddball are the best gametypes for this map
It needs to be cleaner with more interlocking and geomerging and it needs some more cover. Looking forward to a version 2! 3/5
Yeah, it's terrible, but it is incredible. I totally agree...
EVEN MORE ACTION SHOTS have just been added. Just wondering how you give someone rep, I'm new to the HUB.
relax. calm down. stop doin drugs. go eat some delicious amazing mouth watering succulent yummy tasty..........food.
tis a nice bridge sir
you and the eating of maps, I don't understand... Map looks sloppy.
Looks pretty good... 4/5
crazyzebu: My head hurts (in a good way) from looking at your shots. zeusthegoose365: I got a headache looking at your map ( in a good way )....
i agree, you should clean up the interlocking a bit...
I like this map. Looks fun for objective games. Love the dumpsters and curvy ceiling. Good job =) 5/5
New action shots have just been added!
This map is decent... There isn't much interlocking, the layout is bland and it is a little sloppy. With some more work this map could be great....
I had no idea. I'll keep that in mind...
The interlocking on this map took FOREVER to get right. I am glad you like the map :-)
good map, nice interlocking. I cant read the pink script though...
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I made some more changes to this map. I noticed that when playing oddball everyone would just...
But I like labeling and exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my comment^ above
Have fun!