ha ha =) your crappy diagram sketch is great. Reminds me of the even crappier one I drew, oh the memories... sigh
I really like the map, and good job imbedding the pics but PLEASE CHANGE THE FONT COLOR!! It is really hard to read with such bright red font,...
thank you! =)
change your font color because it's hard to read!
First Post ROFL!!!!! EDIT: Damn, while I was writing this everybody else posted XX O I am very impressed. This looks really fun for FFA and...
A little sloppy on the wings, clean it up! Other than that great map!
I'm gonna do some more forging and make sure the grenades aren't in pairs. Maybe I just keep updating the map and forgetting to update my post on...
Very impressive! Great interlocking and design. Good use of the back of foundry. Incendiary grenade =) Question Mark? Very creative and original....
Kill stealing is a stupid way of explaining why you did not get a point for a kill, whoever kills someone gets the point. I do not believe in kill...
This map looks pretty good and I like the idea of sticking to get points. Great design considering it is a 10 minute map. There seems to be a good...
No comprende mucho espanol pero, gracias amigo por el realimentación! Mi casa en california...muchos espanol interlocutor en mi ciudad! =) =) =)
you=copier. No copy plz. Purp bunk iz coo yu naught. make orignalz mapz plz. Thx lAterz doooood not spAmmzsz
I realized when I created this map that people would dislike the shield doors. Because there is a fusion coil in the back of the sword cave and...
Looks like a great map but the name has been taken, change it or people will be confused.
How the hell is anyone supposed to read this post with the new skin, change your font color. Black font on dark grey background = =(
I thought that the map was a 3/5 because the lack of interlocking. Dont give me bad rep just cause you don't share my point of view. Go look on...
Im so ****in pissed. My mom stole my xbox and hid it somewhere... I want to make a map with you but I probably wont be able to use my xbox until...
Looks like a very fun and interesting map. You should interlock the floor though because it makes the game run more smoothly. The tunnels look...
I took some of your suggestions... *made font smaller *added new shots *got rid of some of the pointless explosion pics *picture of someone...