How about you have a Gridlocked style design in the foundry "rectangle." You would have a double box standing straight up and then a single box...
I think we should go play Hot Spots
It was a Half Life mod, right? It would be nice if you gave us some details before we commit to anything.
Sand Gulch would be awesome :P So is the transport hornet just a hornet without any guns?
Lol...Wow, I have Eons telling me that I'm hot and Catmon telling me he loves me. If someone visits my page there going to lol.
Pshh... whatever... noob.
Who said anything about buying it from a store? I plan to steal it from a little 12 year old I can't wait to play underground grifball!
Hang on... I'm confused now. Do we have to pre-order the Limited Edition Halo Wars to get the Mythic Map pack or can we buy the Limited Edition...
There was an idea going around in the Sandbox thread about a Vehicle only CTF game where you die if you get off your vehicle. Try to find that...
Thank you for telling Insane that "just defy" needs to be banned. I was just about to do it, too :P
If you were referring to me about having "web arguments" I hope you see that I actually posted to give you feedback AND to help defend you against...
OP: Sorry you had to hear that. This is a slightly overused idea but I think if you can get the humans to get out of that ship then it could be a...
Not letting me test it, though? Not cool, Catmon. (JK)
Your welcome :P I was being totally serious, though.
spam is overrated Seriously, though, compare screenshots to maps. A long time ago, people didn't know about interlocking. Now, everyone uses...
I love the articles AZN. You are my Forging Sensei... I only have one observation(?), though. You said that: On Gridlocked,...
Front Page of I predict you are getting recon. 'Nuff said. Ok, maybe not that much but my god, am I speechless. That was extremely...
Lol, that was the best TF2 machinima I've ever seen. The last line was just pure win. Whoever wrote the script is a genius.
You can try making a pallet conveyor belt switch. An example can be found here:...
Spam much? OP (Lol): I saw this a couple months after Halo came out. I tried it a few times in forge so I was like "I'm about to pwn some...