Not half spam. Full spam. OP: This looks like a nice, small, well-forged map. The aesthetics are very clean and, although it is not a very...
So it would be like TNT Polo and Teamwerks Arena mixed together? Well, it does sound like an interesting concept...
Thank you for not paying attention. Forge Hub probably won't rape you, which is a shame. Spammers really need to get taught a lesson. OP: Not...
Cool like my freezer
I was just kidding
I try not to associate with "The Warned"
I honestly don't think many people will share their ideas. As you said: Most people do not want to share their ideas simply because they are...
There was no need for the double post. Simply go back and edit the first one. As for the picture, it seems like something anyone could do. I...
After taking 5 minutes to decode this jumble of words, I finally realize what you are trying to say. You want this "concept" to be built on a...
Actually, according to the press, the girl's mom knew that she had a boyfriend and supposedly knew they were having sex. It is definitely his/her...
I am not the greatest forger, but I do have lots of ideas and am very knowledgeable when it comes to gameplay. If you need ideas and/or advice,...
At first I thought this was a really cool idea, but then I started thinking. Couldn't someone stand in front of the goal and block the goal with...
I think the angle is just fine. If you had the angle above the pelican, the you wouldn't get that nice yellow light that shines on the top. The...
Very creative idea, my friend. The photoshopped pic with Wilson in it is the best, though. Great idea and presentation, 5/5.
Wow, very original idea. At first I thought it was going to be the "yellow spartan chases pink spartan" type of deal. I'm very glad it's not. This...
Ah, finally a dedication to us wheelmen... It isn't the greatest picture but it is very good, nonetheless. This is definitely going in my fileshare.
This is a very overused effect. I would recommend looking at all the different screenshot effect guides and/or browsing around this section. You...
Shall we criticize any more? I do not understand the point of these websites (in general, not directly referring to Monitor Built"). In my...
I enjoyed your story but I found the "town in a warehouse" somewhat funny. This map is very well forged, though, and I can tell that you put some...
That is actually a cool little "trick" they have (about the sponsor + page reload = money for rice). I only donated 100 grains because I got...