Without hammers there would be no Grifball. What the hell would we use to boost the bomb carrier? Our energy swords?
You may not be criticizing him but he stated that he is going to add more in's and out's as he gets more opinions and such. It was probably easier...
Yeah, I thought of it a while back and decided it should be my motto
Nice one I put the "riot" in Pariot
I think we started a riot in the shoutbox :P
---Never Mind---
You were too late, Catmon :P
Come to the shoutbox, I'm bored
And you call yourself a map maker? Seriously, did you actually read the post or just look at the pictures? The other side is not pointless and it...
Thank you very much for doing this. I, personally, have come to hate the "OMG COOL EFFECT" pictures and I love when someone actually creates a...
Thank you for posting "Aldhills Arboretum." These are the pictures that "Halo photographers" need to start taking. I completely realize what you...
What, may I ask, do you think makes these pictures so special? From these pictures, all I can tell is that you know how to read guides from the...
I think that the school greatly overreacted. From what you said, it seems like they looked for any possible way to get you in trouble and/or make...
First of all, who would even think of this!? I must admit, though, that in a creepy kind of way they were actually very creative with the names...
Your spam gets a 6/5. Why, might I ask, do you give the last two a 2/5? Is it because they do not have "cool effects?" The first picture is...
I would have to say: 1. Avalanche 2. Rats Nest 3. Coagulation (and/or Bloodgulch) I simply love Big Team Battle maps because they require, in...
I do that on all my posts now. I hope it will discourage people from pointless spamming.
No problem. I was hoping some other members would see what you were doing but they seem to be brainwashed by "cool effects"
this spam is not gr8. you must be new at this Thanks for saying this, Catmon, because I was going to do the same thing. Except my post would...
Don't trip. New members here are always trying to pick on other new members. They think it makes them powerful or cool.