I think the last, I like the warmer colors more... they add more depth maybe lighten either the guitar or the BG in that one a bit though
I'll put those in my OP thanks
Yeah I used that for a movie trailer I made for English class. It's good for stuff like that. We actually just played this really cool piece for...
I read the book a few years back and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The book was far better than the Da Vinci Code in my opinion. So who has read the...
As to the whole backpack thing, we aren't a backpack school, but none of the teachers care. I have to catch my bus at the end of the day so I...
bad advice above don't act like your all tough, but make sure people respect you keep your GPA above 3, don't have to be perfect, but most...
[media] [media] I personally thought it wasn't as bad as the media made it to be and it actually made me laugh. Regardless of political...
inorite? that's what I thought
^^^ overly critical I don't really think it needed a border either. It's actually really nice, the smudging is really cool and it seems fairly...
Not even with a bro? The one guy who supported you on LD? That's low.
I personally love it. It definitely has your style, but it's still simplistic and overall just a nice piece. I don't really see anything wrong...
I'm surprised that this hasn't been posted yet, but it's The Lonely Island ft. Justin Timberlake- Motherlover. Hulu - Saturday Night Live:...
signature, i'm sorry i was very busy lately http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/59328-kickass-gfx-shop-21.html
btw it looked bad across the barrel so I moved the stuff around a bit
here you go... srry again http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/59328-kickass-gfx-shop-21.html
u can haz
I like the coloration in this alot, but at Hell's said, the background colored would look even better.
The focal really blends badly as with the guy in the background. I still like the bg effects, but you really need to work on blending especially...
I miss Yu-Gi-Oh... that was fun while I was at it. I actually went to a couple tournaments in the day, but I haven't played in years now. They do...
That's what I thought... love them