D of E trip this weekend, and I don't know what the ****'s happening. Wish me luck!
If I could, -LT = zoom -RT = fire -LB = jump -RB = melee -L3 = equipment (AA) -R3 = crouch -Left thumbstick = move -Right thumbstick =...
Firefox, yuck.
I want to click left thumbstick for AA. It would best for sprint, evade, armour lock and shaz. Maybe not jetpack, but it might. I'd be happy for...
Sniff enough tippex liner and you can backflip to the moon.
Can you evade in mid air? If so, ninja-ing is going to be ****ING INSANE. Backflip over someone's head and snap their neck. Jackie chan would...
AGGGGH A WEEK AND 2 / 3 DAYS!!! /noncaps
8 Days playing time, 2,000,000 + score. (I have a REALLY aggresive playstyle, and LOVE it.) Rushing their spawn outnumbered against all odds in...
Psyko Audio Labs, Psyko 5.1 PC Gaming Headphones - Psyko 5.1 Headset gogogo
HOTTTTTT cheers.
For all those rich pros that are thinking of buying a turtle beach, don't. Psyko Audio Labs, Psyko 5.1 PC Gaming Headphones - Psyko 5.1 Headset...
Fans of T.V show Glee have started calling themselves "Gleeks." Personally, I prefer the term "Cunts."
Have you a larger higher res version of this?
Physics deadline tomorrow, first thing. Done about a quarter of it. Meh, it'll be fine Niet gaiyz. --- Bitches don't know 'bout my doubles.
Physics deadline tomorrow, first thing. Done about a quarter of it. Meh, it'll be fine Niet gaiyz.
I'll buy it to play it. Does enough for me. --- Also, if we haz flaming helmet, what do bungie staff get?
Watching politics on TV. Died 45% inside.
Dreadz sux.
Expect $1,000 codes on ebay once all ledgendary editions sell.
... when I get it