Reset router, sounds lame and obvious, but it made mine download sooo much faster.
The last game I played, I got 0 Cr for it. Not even a single one. And I'm 8 Cr from those badass scout shoulders :(
Getting this too. So are all my friends
I can't get a game at all, nor can any of my friends. The playlists aren't downloading, and it sometimes can't connect to the halo reach server....
wut tiem would geeemmtee beta gogogo?
Still haven't got the email, I'll send it when I get it.
I've heard that there's nine left.
Affilate Admin = codeee
*Ends on May 19th" -Destructoid
He's scarier than sarge. With a camel spider.
Burnout 3 was the best racing game of all time. OF ALL TIEM.
I don't think so, but I'd like one. Bnet petition gogogo. (Preferably by the person with the biggest reputation across Bnet)
The blur one rocked. --- And I never describe anything with the word rocked. --- On another subject, IW's formal complaint against activision is...
Just DL'd split second demo, any good?
Got COD4 back today. Every sucks on it, MP5 AK74u, M40A3, AK, G36C, M16 and P90 all kick unbelievable ass. I've averaged 2 choppers a game today....
Jesus, I must have spent 7 hours figuring out what to write, because I've redone it in two. Thanks Tuesday, you're a lifesaver. Also, word...
Pro class, apart from cold blood, swap it with lightweight or hardline if you're using the UMP. Silenced AK really is unbelievable. Like, only a...
.. Or you could have played halo 2. Or bought ODST. You still can.
Just finished the coursework for physics. The report took me 9 hours and it's pages and pages. Saved, decided to make a backup. Accidentally...
I love bumper jumper in H3, but I'm thinking green thumb for reach, with the AA & alllll..