Bum. ... P.
Balls, I've missed out. I've lost my internet (for 29 days now). We've ordered a new BT package, Orange failed us. New router, ISP and...
I'm downloading now, I expect I might be on later tonight, If not, I'll be on in the next couple of days. Look forward to it :D --- I'm round my...
I'm excited for ****ing everything. Even a couple of wii titles caught my attention, and I NEVER play my wii. (Kirby, metroid and goldeneye) LBP2...
@Insane54 - I'm buying it tomorrow, my bank cheque doesn't come through until then. I've loved it on the 360, so I imagine it'll be ****ing...
All this firefight news today.. Just soo happy.. Need moar tissues.
Can't find that ID. Also, I think I'll go for orange box, do you guys all play HL2 and gmod, TF2 and the like still?
Can you get orange box on steam then? If so, AWESOMM.
If we're going to get physical and technical, ships shouldn't be allowed to turn in space at all at will, and there is no real mass to it, the...
Is there a huge half life package I can download from steam? I loved it on xbox orange box, and am eager to experience gmod, whilst learning the...
Credit card finally work'd, bought geometry wars. Expect friend requests.
Live streamed Reach IGN interview will be here in 3 and a quarter hours. (5:40 PM PST convert it if need be.)
Kev won the whole E3.
If it has space battles multiplayer, in the same way star wars Battlefronts did, it'll be ****ing unbelievable, especially with huge ship bases,...
Xbox has crackdown 2 as well, but that's shown F* all in E3 so far. You've summed up the good Sony exclusives this year well. Maybe apart from...
Oh, I must have watched a theatre version or something, it changed at that part for me. GTTV?
Watched the live stream, and EA's is up now.
The space battle might not be player controlled? It looked different, + no reticule. Definitely looked player controlled though.
Xbox.com | Xbox.com Home Their live stream is tonight. It'll also be on GTTV @ Gametrailers.com & Gamespot (probably) Sony's is tomorrow, and so...
To clear everything up with IW & Activision: West and Zampella were fired from the Infinity Ward division (Who bought their Modern Warfare rights...