WAAAIIITT so orange is definately glas? If so, I'll pee emm yoo coode.
These 360 degree shots bungie are posting, can we do this?
You are now glas, yah? When I get the email, I'll PM you it? --- I have been checking BTW.
YouTube - Halo: Reach Carnàge Carnivàle
Bieber Takes Over from Justin Bieber and FOD Team - Video
fapppppppppppppped to camooooooooooooooooofoool.
That's really sweet, didn't think that genuine people were capable of such things. Wish more people were like you. On the note of criticism, she...
I did! I had a hard time on Moxxi. But then, I was level 40 on playthrough 2, so that probably resulted in my ass getting kicked. If you've a...
Alton attorney accidentally sues himself | Madison/St. Clair Record
I did a backflip.
HOLY ****ING CRAP. That lion kicked some ****ing midget ass. On that note, How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?
I had to buy some for my girlfriend so she would let me through to victory road.
What the **** has happened to youtube..?! She's deeeaddd
Put hardline on the UMP with low killstreaks, to pro it, from 0. 2 games.