Threat! Again I shouldn't be held. An infraction for every post. Hmmmm... I don't think so.
Because NO ONE Reads Blogs. SIMPLE. I'm already in deep **** with Sargent. So Please don't make this any harder on me. I dealing with a Required...
If I apply to this "New Rule". Everyother person should apply too.
People post maps and have the freedom to say whatever they want about it. There are Threads with certain opinions and I will not here stand this...
..... WOW! So much for freedom of speech. This is why I hate the Forgehub Community. I am pretty sure I shouldn't be held against my will to...
**F**k Half-Life Ep.3! I've played the first 2 and they were just sh*t. My friend's like"Half-Life is the best shooter in any genre". Yeah...
Valve annouced a month ago the release date for "The Sacrifice" DLC Coming out Today (October 5th). Which it did.... On PC that is. Xbox 360 users...
Found this months ago, Couldn't remember the name. Best Line Ever; Put that Cookie Down Now!
Hello everyone! When I start out fresh in Halo:Reach I came across something I thought about working on in Halo 3. A Campaign Series. Something...
But theres also another issue, What level. If people are just missing the last 2 levels, It could be a drag just to start from the begining. I...
YouTube - Justin Bieber Is a Pedophile - News 09/30/10 MUST SEE LOLZ, Onion once again makes be laugh. MW3 Beta and now Justin Bieber. This is...
If you didn't see this; "I know this sounds like it doesn't take skill, which is why this title/video is mean't to not be taken seriously."
Sorry if you didn't see this: "I know this sounds like it doesn't take skill, which is why this title/video is mean't to not be taken seriously."
I know this sounds like it doesn't take skill, which is why this title is mean't to not be taken seriously. But this is a pretty good idea for...
Gears of War 3 has been delayed until Fall 2011. Microsoft says the shift occurred so that Gears of War 3 could be positioned as the company's...
Wow, I didn't know about that level cap thing. I hope theres better armor if its included.
Theres Lt. Colonel, grades 1,2 and 3. But theres no Colonel. One of helmets says I have to be colonel rank until I can buy this. Which brings up...
DID IT, Nice Find! Thanks for the free GS! 2 Achievements left.
I like perfectly fine, No runny nose, no fever. Nothing. But im still coughing. I've had this for 3 weeks. I've tried benedryl, Buckleys. You know...
No no, Its not just an inhaler. Its specialized to help with my head cold.