If you want a gate, Invite Lil Devil9597. I made so many awesome gates. Only for Invasion though. Just inform me if you need help with that gate.
Zanziground. Amazing, Just Genious. My 2 favourite maps in Halo 3 mixed into one. Are you testing? Sign me up if you are. This is just amazing....
The DLC for Alan Wake named "The Writer" has launched. I finally finished it. I gotta say, Alan Wake is quite a game. Amazing Story. [spoiler]What...
I find Forgeworld.... Not big enough. I know Bungie put alot of effort into it. But calling it FORGEWORLD means that you should be able to forge a...
Oh thank god, YOU ARE AWESOME. I've been trying to figure that out all week.
Go to Game Options, Go to Invasion Options, Change Attacking to Spartans. Simple.
Try now.
GT: Lil Devil9597
I know how to work Invasion. Invite after this game.
I can't explain through text, Send an FR and I will show you.
Breach & Clear is a project I annouced back in Halo 3 which was kicked back to Halo:Reach. In the dying months of Halo 3, I was building this...
got 100 Dollars with Black Ops Name all over it. Kinda sucks how the american dollar is down. I lost $2.30 when I redeemed my cheque from my uncle...
WTF are you talking about. And I don't care, Im sorry if your not interested in some topics. I had no problem with you until you "****en" talked...
I told him I was, He didn't say anything even when online. Why do I have to be babysit by Sarge. SPAM I guess. Or I managed to Really Piss him...
Im working on a Breach & Clear Idea, which works simular to this. Would you be interested? To desrcribe my history of maps; Zombie Horde has...
1 word.... EPIC! Sound simular to my breach & clear concept. 16 Elites? Is that even possible? From the awesome pics, I see tons of incredible...
Didn't notice until I backed out of this. Sorry again.
Just to inform you, I posted A Gears 3 Multiplayer Preview with Beta Info in Gaming Discussion.
Since Epic Games has more time to work on Gears 3, They decided to fix there multiplayer. According to IGN its smoother than Gears 2. I hope this...
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