Hey man, I understand it's your first post, but you might wanna make sure you have pics. -Upload pics you want of your map to haloscreenshots...
Hey all, after a few days of work, I bring you my latest map, Infested! Story: After years of working in a manufacturing factory, you and your...
Hey I think I like the quote "the swift, the silent, the deadly" and I'll probably use RS:V2 stock and digital camo
seems like a cool idea, but it would probably be too easy to just go to every territory as the crow flies, and there's really not much to it....
The gametype is slightly changed from the base. -gravity is 200% -no radar -no team killing pretty basic, but it works well with this map
Nope, high gravity as I mentioned, so its not a problem with jumping
Hey everyone. I haven't seen really any maps on ghost town (save a few), so I decided I'd break the mold and do something different. This map Is a...
Here is my current art project I am working on for my drawing class (im in 9th grade) Done in charcoal and white charcoal [IMG]
I'm in :)
Hey all, I completely redid what I started and I rather like the outcome. tell me watchya think! [IMG] Stock [IMG] Old version(and ugly...
uhh you might want to post a pic of it.
yeah I probably will. just need to tweak a few things
Hey all. This is something i started working on today. Might turn it into something of use :P give input and constructive criticism. V1...
Hey everyone. So I got pretty bored, and decided to make use of some of the pics I took at my symphonies gala last night. Tell me wathcya think!...
Hey, sorry bout not getting to you sooner, I am usually on on weekends at any time, and weekdays at 4-10
I kinda agree with the above^ It could use some more small detail and cover. Good job 4/5 P.S. Don't vote your own map.
Cool, just send me the sketchup file and I'll begin.
Thnx man.
Yeah, I edited my first post in this thread to recap on that. I just made 3 versions so that the community would have their preferences in 1 of...
just send me whatever pic/s you want in it and give me the following: -color scheme -Text -Style -Any other personal specs