I'll 1v1 you on any default map. GT: BillEatsYams
Date: 3/27 4:00-5:00 EST Rank: Captain Grade 2-Intermediate Lessons: Sniping Gametype: Snipers Map: Any map Gamertag: BillEatsYams
Depends on what you're recording. I might do it if you give me some more details.
Can this be done with angle merging?
How exactly does it show lack of skill? As mentioned many times before in this thread: 1. You must first gain the lead, which does take skill. 2....
Remember to send me a message or FR, everyone.
So, you don't know any hiding spots? That's fine. We can teach you. Just send an FR or message.
As of now, anyone who wants to join needs to send me a message or FR so I can test you. GamerTag: BillEatsYams
Screenshot: [IMG] Is anyone else getting this?
Well, the easiest way to do it would be to just copy-paste it onto the T-shirt, but that won't look too good. I would copy-paste it, then smooth...
Okay. But, be sure to raise your Team Doubles, Team Snipers, and Team Slayer ranks. Those are our primary playlists.
You're already in, but thanks for bumping the thread. XD
1. Guardian is the best for 1v1. Most hiding places for when you hide on your opponent. XD 2. Sniper FTW.
Doubt it. The quality isn't nearly as good.
http://www.myhava.com/product_hava_titanium_hd.html WHAT NOW!? Lol. Anyways, back to the capture card... Yes, it is expensive, but it has GREAT...
Or you could just get a Hava wireless capture card. The problem with having your XBOX far from your computer is that you'll have to run upstairs,...
I'm assuming most of his "creative and never before seen merging" was just for aesthetic awesomeness.
Well, first off, it's pretty sloppy. I would consider straightening the flag spawns, walls, and some boxes. Secondly, where is this interlocking...
Yeah, I know that.
I'll add you. I do a lot of customs, so I'll invite you whenever possible. Oh, and I'm getting my capture card in a few days.