Yeah, I expected that... Well, I can try to do it on another map. Security: I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure a flag is a one-hit kill.
We'll be doing this on Saturday at 5 PM EST.
Thanks for helping out. Just remember, to be in this project, you can't fool around. You must do what you're told to do for the sake of the machinima.
How did you make the bar going across? I'm pretty sure you made the vertical ones with scaffoldings, right?
I'm gonna need 11 people including myself. Here's my idea: On (undecided map), the opening scene will be of the blue team hiding behind barriers...
I realize there is a "best song" thread here, but as many pointed out, it is very biased due to personal preferences. Here, you just name your...
Lol, I actually pitched that when my friends and I were thinking of machinima ideas. But it's already been done a thousand times, so that won't...
I bought a capture card, but I have nothing to record, so I've decided to make machinima(s). I just need some ideas now, preferably funny ones.
I hope this thread is a joke. You can't be serious. There would be a massive increase in the amount of campus shootings. It's a definite no. To...
Luck is the term used to refer to extremes of chance. So, technically, it is real and fake at the same time. Luck itself is real, while the term...
How did you get the ground around the fountain to be that color? Sorry to sound like a noob if it's just some simple pieces, but I'm not very...
Actually... going diagonal is the fastest way.
I need some help beating every campaign mission on Legendary except The Ark and The Covenant. GT: HLG Quagmire
I still can't find the guy.
Okay, I'll get on right now.
That was hilarious. I especially loved how it was all recorded with a camcorder.
This thread is not up to ForgeHub standards. Please read the rules before posting. EDIT: My bad. The rules are located here.
I'm currently a 21 in Doubles, and was wondering if anyone could help me get to a 30 before Monday. If you're willing to help, please post in this...
Screw it, I'm not waiting three more hours. I'll just get the maps tomorrow morning. Thanks for the info.
That's what I'm wondering. It's midnight here, too.