Oh, damn, so I assume if I were to use yoshi I would get my ass kicked?
Oh, hmm, same here.
Damn you barely ever post. Oh, I like your avatar though.
Well he sux. As you can now see that was a trick question. Why you ask? Because sonic has second to none worst control. On small maps he flies off...
Wow. Frag man doesnt even have an XBL account.
Do you play as sonic in super smash bros.?
Hey, how did you get that background?
Hey, can people infract me for insulting other sites?
How is that not a debate?
In the past few months over a few bajillion infractions have been given out for no apparent reasons to people questioning or asking about updates.
NC. You said you would be online for 3 hours.
Yeah, copy n pastin gets ya somewhere...
I copied and pasted...sorry.
NC. Some claimed he twas bungie. Got me booted. 7:30 came back and erased my maps. NC. do you have any clue? Were`nt you in ROFLninja`s party...
O, I thought you said you didnt have an FH account while we were in brute captian`s party.