It would be near impossible but I`ll try. I`m setting up a demo on H2... But I`ll entertain you w/ this mod I made when I was 10 or 9... I think...
Ok, cool. I`ll show you some more things I decoded if you want. Such as... My character mods.
*Freaks out, Runs in circle, Gets hit by banhammer* GAMEOVER
Oh, well can YOU come online?
Sounds good. Im DLing the new map pack right nua tho.
No, there isnt a death animation installed BUT I`m working on it. Just dont go off telling bungie I decoded the game plz.
WTF? Its not you?
I`m bored.
M2Af- I am DLing the mythic map pack!!!
Oh, I just noticed you changed your avatar.
You never talk on XBL. Why?
Yeah, what is your reason?
Good, comin to see your map nua.
YouTube - Flood Juggernaut
Well I`m lucky...
Its the flood juggernaut!!! It was taken out in H2 and H3 because it was thought to be to powerful. Here I`ll give you a video of my friend trying...