whats inside the first pic? is it like a base or what? you need some pics buddy.... im not gona download cuz i dont no anything about it :O it...
yes. you need interlocking BADLY its real sloppy... and from the looks of it the map doesnt really look that fun.... running around in close...
when i saw the name i though someone tried to remake the sandbox crypt on foundry and i was like wtf? but now ive seen it, the map looks pretty...
i havent downloaded or played any paintball maps on halo yet. but with this im gona get into paintball on halo. this looks greatt. good job you...
i played this with 16 people. it was amazing when i was a human. then i became the zombie. i got pissed. the flame thrower is so over powered in...
guys maybe he wanted to make the building look like its falling down? the tunnels looks like you can just camp in them due to tunnels that ive...
haha i love how on my post of your oringal map i got warned for spam :P anyways i downloaded and this map is FANTASTIC one thing you might want...
looks like what me and my friends do on santrap where we will all drive around in hogs getting chased by the zombie... good times good times....
it looks like this map would let players just camp in the corners... this wouldn't be fun. the building itself looks pretty cool. looks like there...
just from one pic i can see that its pretty much identical to sandtrap. defenatly add some more pics so we can see the whole layout
this map looks more "hell" based then a balance but i think that it looks great. like a previous poster said before: you should make a hell based...
this map looks really good. great job with the whole "temple" feel the second screenshot looks amazing... sept is there more to it? like can you...
same old mlg stuff. ive yet to see and mlg map that is totally original....
u guys all are REALLY bitchy about "oh your walls are SLIGHTlY off" or "oh why isnt that wall perfectly geomerged" sometimes people just want to...
looks like a typical standoff race map. everyone uses that one part for a mini jump then it goes into the feature. at least thats what ive notice...
this looks exactly like donkey kong except like 10times worse.......... agreed a mod should delete this post.... nothing special here just a hell...
wow this looks simply orgasmic. grats on the feature too i will try this out as soon as my 360 is up and halo 3 in
wow this is quite possibly the best jumping map ive ever seen. i really like that "check point" system. that makes it a hell of a lot easyer....
looks very mlg like. i like how you included the pic of what you were basing it off of. seeing that im not a big fan of mlg i cant say i like it...
i like on the gun room the wall on top that couldve been interlocked :D this map is pretty dang sloppy. im not gona download.