simply amazing grats on making a "newer" elevator
this looks great. i love how incorporated infection into it. 5/5
me and my friend made a **** Zombie map and we actually had stairs to the upper floors that were blocked until like a minuet when fusion coils...
ive been saying this to a lot of people: flame thrower is a hella cheap weapon in infection. but you do have limited amo i beleive so thats good i...
this is good. i like the pic. but people have already made this with a better canvas and everything
just from looking at this i can tell this is gona be an intense fast pace infection map. i dont get why you put mongooses tho cuz theres no where...
this looks like it would get kinda old after awhile. but then again who nos? it could be fun smashing each other off the playing feild. i probably...
everyones making these kind of maps now. it looks like a typical jumping map but it seems you "spiced it up" a little bit. im gona go try it
i honestly think this map is kinda lame... some1 could just tele camp and thats not fun at alll
all i gotta say is how? howd you do this? im assuming it was the turret glitch? anyways the map outside looks kinda eh... i mean its cool that...
it seems kinda boring to me... im assuming your basing this level off the 64/ds block fort not the gc one? cuz the game cube one doesnt have a...
yah make it so the humans have limited ammo and this map would be amazing. oh and congrats on getting this on bungie favorites
it doesnt really seem to me that its "mario kart" id expect to see more of the stunts from one of the mk maps (like if you based it on star road...
in your pics its kinda hard to tell where and what "the big drop" is. other then that i think you did a good job making a race map on a level...
I played this map and I JIZZED IN MY PANTS yes thats how good it is..... its looks are amaaaaaaaaaaaazing great job 5/5!!
i really liked how you made the sphyix hollow great job
i honestly dont see why this would be better then the switches already out there...... make a map with this in it and maybe then will we see its...
wow. just amazing. i first saw this map when it got featured and it lacked some in dept pics. now i can see how truly amazing the game paly would...
just one pic wont do it. if you think its so good post some more stuff bud. just from the pic the i see it looks good but once again: NEEDS MORE PICS
this map looks pretty dam epic. i ususally look at casual and now im lookin in competitive and theres a HUGE difference... such better geomerging...