back in the day me and some friends would try and play infection on halo 2 with this original map and it was really fun... even though we had to...
wow. i love how you can take a not so good level (ghost town) and turn it into something brilliant. youve got another download... im gona look at...
im simply amazed. this map not only is eye candy but it plays amazing too. i love one sided bomb on this where u have to infultrate the castle....
Post a video tutorial on youtube or somethin cuz i would reallly like to know how to make this kind of bridge. this bridge idea is tightt. i...
yah i agree. it defenatly needs somethin in the middle. otherwise it looks like both the sides are fair and have equal weapons. if there wasnt...
u need to interlock.... theres too many holes and it makes your map not look the greatest.
this looks like it only took you a couple minuets to make. it looks kinda fun i guess... it needs some more ascenthics however you spell that
i like how you have to splatter the people. i didnt read the description at first so i though the banshee could just shoot everyone :P you...
how are you supose to kill the bears? or do they just not die the whole round? you should at least make it so they can be killed... even if it...
it looks..... interesting seems like it would be best on territories not infection or slayer. the movement around the map seems kinda difficult...
puzzle maps just keep getting better and better. im amazed at how you managed to make it look good and a hell of a challenge
I realllllllllllly like the idea of using the outside of foundry for a puzzle. on the puzzle maps ive seen they mainly just use the actual...
talk about original.... this is pretty dang awesome. The whole bounce the needles under the shield doors to kill looks really promising
this map doesnt look long at all....... not gona lie this looks like a worse verison of duck hunt. one good thing i like about it tho is how you...
im glad to see a 2 person based puzzle map. Most of the puzzles on forge Hub are 1 person based. Sept from the pics this puzzle/maze whatever you...
this looks quite fantastic! this reminds me of the pyrmid on sandbox where you have to go in and around obsticles. i will go give this a try
the roof or whatever they are look really sloppy you defenatly need some more pics and a better description (AT LEAST on the pics)
ive played this before. SO MUCH FUN. love the originality love the gameplay love the "rocket" everything is great 5/5
ive seen this done before.... but MUCH better. those power weapons are gona be really cheap in that last minuet as stated before.
this looks pretty intense... but with that "secret hiding spot" at the top of the hill wouldnt humans just camp there? the tunnels look a LITTLE...