seems like you should make them fast......... cuz wouldnt they just get sniped?
from the pics it looks kinda like no mercy where you tryin to make this like the finale? cuz theres a lot of flaws if you wanted to base it on...
see? make it bigger :O
id say for the random box just make it in a corner then first put a assualt rife and put it off at start but it spawns after 30 seconds. then do...
nyeah it needs some work but it looks okay. shouldnt the stairs be going up not down? and also i think it should be timed when the debris gets...
it only takes like..................... really short to hit the b button to get an assassination.... why didnt you block the guardians? theres not...
guys i think it looks great already. but it does indeed need to be linked together to that we can have the pleasure of goin through it again i...
it looks alright. it seems like its pretty short (haha thats what she said) anyhow the bridge is pretty okay.... not the best race track ive seen...
i actually like how you didnt interlock it may make it look a little bit... worse.... but i think it adds more originality to the map
looks like a zombie piss off game. in the first coridors you need some major cover... or at least a rule the zombs move fast?...
thats a pretty nifty idea. i wanna see more of the cave :D i think you shouldve actually inclosed the whole thing and made it feel like they were...
*yawns* i could beat that old man in a second -.- camp behind el teleporter then SMACK..... no more old man or i could just run for my life...
i could make better then this in my sleep....... second pic: look at the well placed window pannel :O omg its so perfect.... ha NOT take more time...
alright i look forward to it. you should theme the sandbox one like a hotel. i think that would be pretty cool. the structer in the orig. map is...
i think that if you did it right the rails would come out to be the same height as the barriers..... oh well it doesnt take away from the map :)...
hahaha that video was intense one car almost get effed by the waterfall. cuz im guessin if you hit it you go flyin off the side. this course...
it almost reminds me of an urban area..... with the two bases being mansions you can go into. i dont see how the banshee would be useful since...
this map looks really cool. i like the "floating weapons" that always shows nicely it looks pretty open tho mabye im just used to tunnels and...
everything looks kinda squished together. maybe thats how its supose to feel... idk i havent played yet anyways this looks like it would be fun...
it would have made this map a lot better if you would've made it so the gun "shot" i like the whole one bomb thing where you try to blow up the...