this looks like that one map from halo2... construct? the overview does... at least to me. the weapon box is kinda eh... i kinda suggest you take...
1. i already know im workin on getting it moved. 2. of course from the layout pics its not gona look anything like it.
well what do ya think? if you have 16 people.... 8 on covenent 8 on usnc. 2 people on opposite teams get to "watch" over their team with spartan...
hey bud. um i gotta say somethin that the cheat pointed out to me: that this map ISN'T supose to be like castle crashers.... you just made...
well if this is a map center then why cant i post my map ideas and get feedback? also i beleive the way the vehicles will go because thats there...
i have not made the map yet! and yes it is my first post. reasons you ask? i mainly like to look at the maps download a few see if they are...
if you like in the pics the spawns are in a open box single. they are blocked so you have to take a tele out. the weapons special to that class...
there are 3 levels i noted that there was 2 towers.... go and read it haha
well then i guess i totally got it all wrong -.- i thought it was supose to be modeled off of C.C. Sheeet. i shoulda had a v-8
ight sorry guys thats my first post for ya ;/ edit: please include what you actually think. i know this is probably not the right place but i...
dude did you even read The Cheats comment? i read your post i read almost every god dam word
This is getting ready for my first post there is no link simply because i havent made the map yet Okay so lets get this straight off the bat: IM...
thanks man i love you :) (in a no **** sort of a way) i like how just 2 little comments get everyone pissed :) makes me laugh at how much people...
wait so giving you advice is being an asshole?
My golly gee willicurs give this man a feature! this map is great. great great great! thats what it is. only thing i hate about it: the cells......
this looks pretty crappy. most if not all of the puzzles are very unoriginal! how many times have people used the "grab turret through wall the...
this looks awesome. i like the way you used the bomb plants with the camo. it looks really cool. other then that it seems exactly like grif ball...
best part about the map: the fricken jail cells! holy shist did thats so sick! i can see people making really tight cops and robbers map with that...
remake this on sandbox. it would work 1000000 billion times better. trust me it looks really tight tho. it just doesnt work on foundry....
seems like a worse verison of haunted manor. its really small and theres the fact of easy spawn killing just wanted to get the empathesis on that...