im glad you put that tunnel in there. this map wouldve been less fun without it. anyhow i do beleive that the tunnel is pretty cheap in some ways....
i really like the idea of an "old western" town. id advise to make more buildings if this were to be for infection. also make sure the guardians...
okay so im goning to be finishing it today/tomorrow iwas playing with a couple friends and found the grunts to be way over powered... who would...
id like to see some more pics of drop in. that map looks pretty cleaver as well as kinda cramped? please include a description of each map and...
i never really liked s.c. maps. ive had very bad experiences where id always just get spawned killed for about 10mins then id get pissed, throw...
i would make this on sandbox but i do not have the mythic maps yet.. im going to try it on foundry and see how it works out. i am almost finished...
ha reminds me of that "im blue" song by effile 44 or something like that :P
okay ill remember that when i have a lot of comments to catch up on. thanks for the feedback. yah the vehicle thing is gona be tough but everyone...
eh ive seen this done many times. the traps arent anything close to original but oh well. they are still cool but everyone knows about them. the...
thank you for the feedback. this is what im looking for... not some crappy response like "oh you need to embed your pics" or "oh your thing sucks"...
random question time: i see your sig. do you actually have recon in the game or is that just fo sho?
okay oh well i tried didnt i? haha
um this map is alright. first off fix up the door teleport heres a nice tutorial on how to make easy tele doors as id like to call them...
there has been a map like this, except for that the zombs had rockets and fuel rods not spartan lasars. i liked that map better for the human...
yah this looks pretty small compared to the orig. but hey its all about the game play isnt it? from the looks of it this map looks like a good...
i thinks you should remake this on sandbox. Youd have a hell of a lot more space for your annoying little puzzles :P
i love how a lot of your maps you make for slayer but i always seem them as great infection levels :P ha this map (once again) looks fantastic. i...
alright ill take your word for it :) i think for like a version 2 (if you decide to make one) you should make the course with some turns and that...
i really like this map. honestly. its a great concept and it seems like it would be really fun. one thing though... it seems like the zombs would...
okay cool. umm idk this map seems most like mlg to me. OH WAIT teritories with the multi base... thatd be sweet.