it seems to me that the humans shouldnt have swords... anyhow this map looks pretty good once again: sloppy interlocking make a version two and...
i think the houses look great. i think there could've been more places to hide but thats just me. is the zombie slow so that its discouraged to...
just looking at it this map doesnt look the greatest. just grenades gets kinda boring after awhile but maybe this map will make it more fun
finally someone uses the actual level of sandbox! haha this map looks very promising
i think you should add a tunnel for the zombies as an alternate route so that they have another way then an open feild
dam....... im excited to play this. looks fantastic. im interested in this "unique late start thing" explain more about it please
wtf is going on with those kill balls????? hah thats some crazy ****
"Holy moly. lol This is your best creation. I always loved your racing maps but this tops them all. Smooth, Fun, and hard there is not a bit of...
wow this is amazing.. nuff said you have truly made halo into mario cart. congrats
this looks like one dam good race map. i like the variety in where the map goes (through the pyrmid that kind of stuff) this also looks really...
cant the humans just shoot the zombs (hah i made up a new word for zombie) through the fence walls? AT LEAST put up some sheild doors so the...
i agree with vex. this map looks unappealing to the eye but it looks OK for gameplay. ill rate it a 3.5/5
me and my friends have a blast when playing this map. it feels exactly like LFD 5/5 i love it grrrrrrrrreat job :D
the "house" needs some work. also you should make the house on the opposite end of foundry then have zombies spawn at other end. this would make...
im a big fan of the foundry duck hunt so im gona have to give this one a try the hunters box looks really cool with the bar across and all
this looks okay. i say this because it would get old after awhile of just running around in hallways. add some more pizzaz and i would consider...
it seems like it would play sorta like L4D it looks great and it seems really similar to another map that i downloaded. ill check this one out.
it looks really good. my first thought was that the "hill" should be a little bit longer to reach the top but i played it and it works graet....
this looks amazing. you should make something like this on sand box where you go to the crypt and all around it. i realllllly like the game/map...