Dicovery is my third map that im posting on forgehub. Its bulit on the mid layer of sandbox and supports team slayer one bomb and king of the...
can anyone explain to me how to link my map from bungie to forgehub
It was actualy the planet that most of the fighting in halo wars took place.
Wats up, Its BLUE MAG1C 91. This is my second post on forge hub My map Called Harvest. Its a forerunner theme map, with only covenant and brute...
Thank you all for your generous responses...ive put alot of time in creating this map so im glad you all enjoyed it!
also wats up with this windows id stuff????does it realy matter
oooo thats why didnt put the same email address
this is blue magic the creater of the map and yes the killballs are there to add difficulty fot the banshees to manuver
ok i made an acoount and i clicked halo3 but i dont see my fileshare do i need to link my gamertag to this profile ...nd thats a lot for helpin me...
ok im almost there now all i need to do is get my link for my map...also i dont have a bungie account so include that in the steps
this is wat i do...i go to bungie.net i type my gt in...i go to my file share nd i right click my pic save image as then some other screen pops up...
yea when im on photobucket they look small all the time..how do i save the actual pic and not the thumbnail cause im sure thats wat i did...as you...
this helped alot thank you for your time and concern,but i have one more problem and thats my pics come out to small how do i enlarge them???...
listen man i dont no wat im doin so instead of bagering me why dont you help me
Wats up forgehub,this is BLUE MAG1C 91. Im new to the forge hub community,my friend decided that cause he doesnt use his account anymore he might...