great pictures destroyer im hoping to see more photos from you as well as Leeumm.....great effects this is the forst time these effects have been...
remeber to post how u made the effect in the pic thats the whole point of this post
im sure the gernade made the lighting effect but how did you create the meteors
correct me if im wrong but im prety sure you cant do that in halo
good job with the pics that have been submited....hope to see alot more
wow forgehub gots some stuck up people
sry mr spellcheck
i dont mean effects like flters
pics look awsome i love nitro Awsome colour....mind sharin how u made it???
thanx for sharin i also love to make screenshots nd i kinda noticed ur like Godly at makin them...u should post a guide on how to do most of ur...
Very nice pictures i love black u mind sharing how you created that effect???
i relized i wasnt supoose to do that sry....and about the discription...i didnt even relize it was the same as avalanche till now Lol good pic up...
I agree with you man bungie doesnt no wat there doin...ur right about the shiit colour they gave us...i bulid some magnifest map but it always...
BLUE MAG1C 91 is back with this Brute Metropolis Uprising! Wind Blasted terrain and battle scared ruins litter sandboxs floor. This map only...
Thus map was a Failure in my opion i guess in a lot of us...v.2 will be coming soon and you will not be let down =)
There great pic,rare to cause there recon pics
I made these screenshots very fast and there kinda just mess around photos,but i like em so i decided to post em.basically there just pics of each...
never mind i figured out what i needed to no thnx anyway..check my new maps Harvest and Discovery there realy nice.