[IMG] Wats up everyone,this is BLUE MAG1C 91. I just put a thread up about a month ago where people would post a picture and explain how the...
how did you get that grass effect on the 1st one....what im wondering is that mit looks loke the ice cave on avalanche but that room does not have...
thanx for the help...plz feel free to give more advice its always welcome here =)
i dun this on avalance..if u want to no how i did it check my post out on the screenshot discussions.its "All great pic takers come here"...most a...
thats awsome man i love ur screen shots...if u dont mind i just made a post in the screenshot discussions id like you to check it out.Keep up the...
Can someone pleaze give some good advice on how to take EPIC screenshots.(and pleaz dont tell me to go to the guides..iv been there already).
Name:Shadow Chief Map: Avalanche Effect: put up a few energy blockers put on the colorblind and gloomy effect [IMG]
thats ok...i didnt even see ur pic cause its like hiiden or sumthin and u gotta click sumthin to see...my bad no hard feelings.
Just messin with a realy old effect that i still think is Epic as hell...Jus wanted ur opinion and want to know which one you thinks the best....
Awsome pics i love deadly rose a lot...if you dont mind me asking do u take yor pics by urself or wit sum1 els
cool very nice...how did youmake it???
if you dont mind sharing how did make this screenshota??? and i agree the glare does mess it up a tad bit but nothing to serious 4.5/5
Wow Chronik the first thing you do when you come here is try to provoke a fight...just cause i didnt see where he said how to make the metors...
Not that one...there is a picture like it and thats where i got the idea from
Dude I knew those ****ing satelites were no good!!!!!!!!!!!!Now look at me!!!!!!-
Pic 2: if my hands bigger then your face that means you have Cancer Spartan: OoOoOo realy lets see if I have cancer SLAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NAme: The Green lanturn [IMG] Name:360 Controller [IMG] Name:Sub Zero [IMG] Name: Viola Tube [IMG] Name:Forge strike Force [IMG] Name;...
[IMG] Name: Green Lanturn Map:Assembly Effect: I used the juicy filter and went up the green Lift By the way this is not the pic from...
I just wanna thank all the people who have submited there beautiful pictures here.I think that this post was a success...i think the community...
GRaet picture Salvation hope to see more from you