Four new ones I took today,let me know what you think. Regal Trooper [IMG] The messenger [IMG] Bio Dome [IMG] Rambofloge [IMG]
Just wanted to take a pic of an elite with no effects just a plain normal pic [IMG] [IMG]
Wats up Forge Hub this is BLUE MAG1C 91,this is my hang em high Remake Stack em Tall.Its looks alot like Hang em High but is tweaked for game...
i actually think that assembly is a really good map.Its great to be played on in matchmaking because its great for heavy competition games like...
tell me wat you think... a conquest map with the center piece being a Roman be like a gladiator fight inside the coliseum while in a...
can anyone check my map out Nile Fever,its a conquest map under competitive.Can anyone give me advice on how to make a better v.2?
Well if not infection then why not my custom games in matchmaking idea?That sounds like a good plan I think.You dont even need to make it a full...
I think the gernades are just helps balance the map nicely.
Like i sayed i just think it be a cool idea...anyways Zombies definently involves team work...humans need to stick together to stay alive and...
Your triangle map looks great.I wish my triangle was a cool as yours..urs looks alot neater...heyy wait a min...arent u suppose to be talking...
no you cant spawn kill believe me...also keep in mind that this is a conquest map...adding catwalks under the map is a ballzy move for conquest. I...
Now this is just a thought and it might sound silly but wouldnt it be cool if bungie made an official Zombie playlist thats always there not just...
Conquest map----Funquest Just a new conquest map i only took me about 2 hours to make which resulted in a pretty crappy map...
Just some random Zombie pics i took during matchmaking...Jus a few funnies nothing serious. Me and my Human Body [IMG] Ahhh the bad...
death toll if you want we could work on this together if thats cool with you
yea i would love to test the map wit you snd me a friend request or sumnthin
Thanks Black Theorum.Its always good to get good feedback from a person who actually admires what your doing...nice picture by the way Lol.And to...
I was wondering if its possible to make a fully working conquest map with 3 or more teams.I think this would be a fun and new approch to conquest...
can you explain wat lava man is and then i would be more then happy to build a map for it.
Lol this is something me and my brothers would do...I actually like the 3rd one the best cause theres not a lot (if not no) pictures of those bug...