no seriously, who are you?
ehhh wtv, he's retarded. I'm sure everyone knows by now anyways
Bad News: Scientists Find Gene That Makes You Good at Halo Also Makes You a Premature Ejaculator Oh man, that article makes me happy that I suck...
Nitrous did, what is it of your business?
it's almost too much, they better not ban you for the epic record
well it's the truth
I don't know who you are? In my past life or this one, explain plox?
i don't get it, r u being a douche? or 4 real?
no u .....
you actually do that in game, it's a ***** though
epic negative rep, you my sir are truly a pioneer
you are such a nub
There's got to be at least an hr of cinematics. And they are all rendered beautifully, almost movie quality.
Ha ha ha, the conspiracy is alive, and still no soft porn here .... what a shame.
perks of being a GIS analyst. Don't have money now, but i did when I bought the car. and 5% tint means only 5% of the light from the outside of...
Well in my opinion, TFU at least makes up fo Ep 3 in a way as far as the story goes, a lot of bombshells in there for sure, almost drowns out...
it's a crying shame that Lucas ruined vader with that useless Hayden Christiansen, at least we got sweet CG clone battles though. lol
That's because the '08's look like Hyundais of course no on will want to drag it :P ..... anyways I'll stick with the beastiness of my '07 lol
I usually roll with 5, but sometimes I get too drunk while playing on 5 and have to turn it down. lol
shhh you don't know who I am .... lol as far as the forester goes, the '09 XT has the same engine as the WRX, what more performance could you...