it's cuz i r teh winsauces
that's your problem, when it comes to women they like you to take your time, mr one pump chump LOL
I'd nail her 90 times .... before you .... lol
oh nm it's that SI model you posted in that group, she is pretty damn hot.
uh oh .... who's the hottie now?
i had never seen that chick wearing so little. therefore it was epical
no way, that's .... epic
yeah, so? who is chick in your avatar .... she looks vaguely familiar ....
well that's gay
well that sucks, somehow I have 90 rep points on my new account but I've never had it enabled?
I can haz ban?
It's Edit Options < Login and Privacy < Second Checkbox
It's User CP edit options or something, it's just a little check box to check or in your case un-check.
ha ha funniez
rep is dumb, you shouldn't rep *****, you're cooler if you disable it like me ... lol
wtf? why is you warned?
r u sure? proof?
if that isn't the truth, I tried for so long on my old account
oh ok, who knew
a litle douchish? I think you underestimate his chances .... lolololol